
出处:老师板报网 时间:2011-05-27


  In the annual Oct. 31 in the West is the traditional “Guijie” - Halloween.  Oct. 31 is the eve of Halloween. Is usually called the night before Halloween.   Every time the arrival of Halloween,

  The children will not wait to put on make-up of colorful clothes    The unusual wear a mask and carrying a light, “Jack Light,” channeling families go home  Great people to ask for holiday gifts  The most well-known symbol of Halloween is what both - fantastic, “Jack Light” and “performing magic or candies to the” prank.

  Halloween day, I was in kindergarten, and children worked together.   To join us in singing \ dancing together \ games together, playing a special happy  Ilike children,I like my work ,,, To me, love their children as their own eyes for the Prevention of Cruelty  And the children had Halloween is a happy, happy time, we take a lot of beautiful Photos
